Horizon Kids Child Care Team

Position: Part-time as needed

Hours: $16/first hour $8/half hour following hour 1

Reports to: Director of Horizon Kids

Job Summary: The Horizon Kids Child Care Team member will serve on an as needed basis to support the Horizon Kids ministry as a lead or assistant teacher in a classroom or in a child care provider during church-sponsored events. Needs will be communicated weekly, via email, no later than 5 PM on Thursdays.


  • Passionate, growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • Teachable team player; who is willing and able to adapt to the changing needs of the Horizon Kids ministry with a humble spirit.

  • Enjoys working with children and families and desires to use their gifts to serve God and live out Horizon Church’s vision and mission.

  • Experience in a classroom or child care setting is preferred.

  • Agrees to the attached Horizon Kids Child Care Team Covenant.

Horizon Vision:

  • Our vision is to see God’s new day come in the lives of people and our community by shining light and igniting change.

Horizon Mission:

  • At Horizon Church we seek to live out our vision through our mission to free, feed, and flourish.

Horizon Kids Child Care Team Covenant

As a member of the Horizon Kids Support Team, I join the covenant to…

  • Treat every parent, child, and team member with respect and with the love of Christ.

  • Be an active participant in the life of the church and attend worship regularly (in-person or online), in addition to serving as part of the Horizon Kids Support Team.

  • Be a teachable team player who is willing to adapt to the changing needs of the classroom, shift to a different classroom if needed, and do whatever is asked of me with a humble spirit.

  • Welcome all families and children to Horizon Kids classrooms and make them feel at ease.

  • Serve as a role model to volunteers in Horizon Kids by modeling classroom routines and safety procedures.

  • Be prepared for Sunday mornings by reading weekly lessons in advance and arriving ready to partner with volunteers to share lessons and activities.

  • Present 9:00-11:30 am on Sundays to assist with check in/out, setting the classroom, and cleanup.

  • Review the list of Horizon Kids needs every week and sign up for positions as my schedule allows; give at least 2 weeks’ notice for all dates and times I am not available.

  • Give a 24-hour notice of cancellation if I am unable to fulfill a position for which I have accepted.

  • Abide by all Safe Sanctuaries guidelines and encourage others to do the same.

  • Wear a Horizon Kids t-shirt while working so that parents and children can readily identify me as a member of the Horizon Kids Support Team.

  • Attend all trainings, such as Horizon Kids Volunteer and Child/Youth Protection trainings, as requested.

  • Communicate with the Children's Ministry Staff about any concerns I have, and defer to the leadership and instruction of the Children's Ministry Staff once a decision is made.

  • Live in a Christ-like manner in the world and on social media, speaking truth in love, being slow to speak and quick to listen, and letting my life point people to Jesus.